Sustainable tunnels and environmental impact of large infrastructure constructions


Emission pollutants such as nitrogen oxides lowered substantially due to the introduction of Electric Vehicles (EV's) and stricter emission standards for air quality improvement. However, the concerns about fine dust pollution PM2,5 is far from over. Since carbon isn't the only fine dust emission stemming from traffic, the focus must be on reducing all forms of fine dust stemming from traffic, roads and tunnels. Tunnel exits are fine dust hotspots all around the world. Worldwide many tunnels are located in urban areas which impact the inclusive livelihood of cities and its citizens. Learn more about the world's unique system for sustainable fine dust removal from tunnels.  

Tunnel exits air pollution hotspots

The building up of fine dust air pollution at tunnel exits is the result of traffic passing through the tunnel as well as tunnel ventilation. How to capture fine dust in tunnels and prevent pollution of harmful PM2,5 in vulnerable urban area's outside tunnels? StaticAir developed the FDRS (Fine Dust Reduction System) especially for this purpose.  


air pollution tunnels fine dust concentration tunnel emission exits sustainable tunnel project

Carbon Footprint ventilation systems tunnels

Digital data connectivity in tunnels use up lots of energy, contributing to the total carbon footprint of a tunnel. System integration with low power consumption and positive benefits for the larger environment should be a priority to create a sustainable tunnel. For clean air, filtration systems are available, but their efficiency is limited and heavy in energy consumption.

The many benefits of FDRS exist of primarily the capturing and reduction of fine dust emission in the tunnel, while using only 18 watt. The system requires low maintenance demands which benefits he life cycle costs (LCC). While the body of FDRS is created of sustainable stainless steel, it can be easily recycled and has a long lifespan.


"Stop mixing polluted tunnel air with fresh air"


Capture fine dust PM2,5 emissions in tunnels, protect the environment, save costs

If you can capture fine dust inside a tunnel and prevent it from entering the larger environment, would you do this? Reduce costs on the environment and help reduce social healthcare costs.

If the solution is energy efficient,  scalable, requires low maintenance, is saving costs as well as benefitting a healthier environment for citizens, would you be interested?

Remember FDRS:

  • Proven en tested system
  • Low Life Cycle Costs (LCC)
  • Extremely low power consumtion (18 watt)
  • No replacement of expensive filters
  • Low maintenance intensity
  • IoT connected
  • Proven en tested system

Why FDRS is unique and efficient 

Learn why FDRS drives direct results.  FDRS serves as a unique solution, especially designed for tunnels to generate impact on fine dust PM2,5 reduction from tunnels into te environment:

Plug & Play, direct improvement of Air Quality.

Silent and sustainable system operating 24/7.
No filter replacement needed!

IoT Connection and patented ionization method for maximum particle reduction PM10 , PM2.5 to virus level as small as PM0,1 by 50%




FDRS fijnstof aerosolen tunnel Den Haag Rotterdamsebaan - Frank Janssen (2)